Warm autumn salad

Warm autumn salad

  • 80g spelt
  • 150 brussel sprouts
  • 100g cavolo nero
  • 30ml olive oil
  • 1 red onion
  • 20ml balsamic vinegar
    Hazelnut pesto:
  • 75g hazelnuts
  • 1 clove (smoked) garlic
  • 100ml olive oil
  • Peper & salt
  • 50ml tahini
  • 1 orange
  • 50ml water
  • salt and pepper
  1. Boil 1 liter water in a large pot. Add the spelt and cook for 10-12 minutes or follow the cooking time on the package.
  2. Taste the spelt and drain when it is ready.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 celcius degrees.
  4. Wash the brussel sprouts. Use a small knife to take off the stems. Remove the outer leaves. Slice the brussel sprouts in half.
  5. Discard the bottom stems of the cavolo nero and cut them in half. Wash the cavolo nero and dry them with a towel before using.
  6. Prepare an oven tray with a thin sheet. Spread the brussel sprouts and cavolo nero onto the tray. Sprinkle one table spoon olive oil over the vegetables and grill them in the oven for 10-12 minutes.
  7. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat with a splash of olive oil.
  8. Clean and chop the red onion in rings. Fry the red onion till it become soft. Add the balsamic vinegar and cook for 2-3 minutes. When they start to carmalize and get sticky they are done and take them out!
  9. For the hazelnut pesto: heat a small skillet over medium heat. Add the hazelnuts and roast (without olive oil) until lightly browned. Clean the garlic clove. Add the hazelnuts, garlic, olive oil, peper and salt in the food processor.
  10. For the dressing: combine the tahini with the zest of 1 orange, the juice of one orange, water and a pinch of salt an pepper.
  11. Use two bowls or big plates for serving the salad.

    Serves 2 persons


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