Vegetarian gyoza

Vegetarian gyoza

1 onion
2 garlic cloves
1/2 red chili pepper
4g fresh ginger
1 leek
1/2 chinese cabbage
125g mushrooms
100g sliced carrots
8g coriander
10g chili bean paste
1 package gyoza papers
100ml water

1. Heat up the frying pan for 3-4 minutes over a medium heat.
2. Meanwhile clean and chop the onions and garlic finely.
3. Deseed the red chili peppers and slice finely. You like a bit more spicy? You can leave the seeds and chop the pepper.
3. Add some oil in the frying pan. Sweat the onions and garlic for 2-3 minutes. After 2 minutes add the red chili pepper.
4. Grate the ginger and add in the frying pan.
5. Turn the burner on the lowest heat.
6. Slice the leek, chinese cabbage and mushrooms very fine.
7. Add the leek, chinese cabbage, mushrooms and sliced carrots into the mixture. Mix everything together and add the chili bean paste.
8. You can use a pinch of salt and pepper.
9. When all the vegetables are cooked. Chop the coriander and add in the mixture.
10. Let the mixture cool down before using.
11. Meanwhile take the gyoza papers out of the freezer.
12. Hold an gyoza paper in your hand and add a teaspoon of the vegetables mixture in the middle of the paper. Wet the edges with water. Use your fingers to seal the edges together.
13. Done? Heat some oil (50ml) in a frying pan over high heat. You need a frying pan wiht a lid! Arrange the gyoza in the pan and cover with the lid for 2-3 minutes. After 3 minutes add in 100ml water and cover again with the lid. Let the gyoza steam for 3-4 minutes.
14. Serve the gyoza with a tahini sesame oil dressing (recipe coming soon) or som soy sauce.


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