Spelt pilaf & tomatoes

Spelt pilaf & tomatoes

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2 persons

  • 100g red onions
  • 200g tomatoes
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 shallot
  • 1ts kurkuma
  • 2ts smoked paprika
  • 1ts dried chili
  • 2ts cumin
  • 250g spelt barley
  • 400g tomato pulp
  • 200ml water
  • 400g chickpeas
  • 1 lemon
  • 100ml yoghurt
  • 4g cilantro
  1. Slice the red onion in rings. Add some oil in the frying pan and bake the onions until they starting to brown. Take them out and save for later.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in cubes.
  3. Slice the garlic and shallot finely. Add some oil in the frying pan and cook over a medium heat until soften.
  4. Add all the spicesĀ  and fry for 1 minute.
  5. Add the spelt barley togethter with the tomatoes, tomato pulp and water.
  6. Stir frequently and if neccesarry add more water till the spelt barley is ready. After 10-12 minutes.
  7. In meantime; rins and drain the chickpeas. Add the chickpeas in the tomato/spelt sauce toghether with the lemon juice.
  8. Serve the pilaf with yoghurt, fried onions and cilantro.


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