Categorie: Geen categorie

Warm autumn salad

80g spelt 150 brussel sprouts 100g cavolo nero 30ml olive oil 1 red onion 20ml balsamic vinegarHazelnut pesto: 75g hazelnuts 1 clove (smoked) garlic 100ml olive oil Peper & saltDressing: 50ml tahini 1 orange 50ml water salt and pepper Boil 1 liter water in a large pot. Add the spelt and cook for 10-12 minutes

Vegetarian gyoza

1 onion2 garlic cloves1/2 red chili pepper 4g fresh ginger 1 leek1/2 chinese cabbage 125g mushrooms100g sliced carrots8g coriander10g chili bean paste 1 package gyoza papers 100ml water 1. Heat up the frying pan for 3-4 minutes over a medium heat. 2. Meanwhile clean and chop the onions and garlic finely. 3. Deseed the red